
Certificates and authorizations


A)    System certification

1) Certificate of Quality Management System under ISO 9001: 2008 in the field of design, manufacture, supply, repair and reconstruction of technological equipment for energy and industry.

2) Certificate of Environmental Management System under ISO 14001:2004 in the field of design, manufacture, supply, repair and reconstruction of technological equipment for energy and in-dustry.

3) Management System Certificate of Occupational Health and Safety under OHSAS 18001:2008 in the field of design, manufacture, supply, repair and reconstruction of technological equipment for energy and industry.

B)    Product Certification

1) Certificate of authentication regarding the Quality Management System for the material manufacturer for pressure equipment under Directive 2014/68/ES

2) Certificate examination and approval by the manufacturer according to AD 2000 – Merkblatt HP0 for pressure equipment and piping

3) Quality management system certificate for welding under DIN EN ISO 3834-2 for pressure equipment and piping

4) Approval certificate for internal control of production with the supervision of the final as-sessment of pressure equipment for A1 Module pressure equipment and piping

The certificate is renewed every year, current annual examination:

C)    Authorization, professional qualification

1) ITI authorization to manufacture, assemble, reconstruct and repair dedicated pressure equipment in the K1 range: steam and liquid boilers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes


2) ITI authorization to manufacture, assemble, reconstruct and repair dedicated pressure de-vices in the NA range: pressure vessels from A, B stable groups 


3) ITI authorizations for revisions and tests of reserved pressure equipment operating in the K1 range: steam and liquid boilers of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes and NA: pressure ves-sels from A, B stable groups